“You are a hiding place for me, you preserve me from trouble, you surround me with glad cries of de…
The East and West Ohio Conferences of The United Methodist Church are coming together to honor the…
Last evening, 95 churches in the West Ohio Conference received more than $650,000 in grants celebra…
Bishop Hee-Soo Jung intends to appoint the Rev. Wes Souders and the Rev. Don Wilson to the West Ohi…
The West Ohio Conference will present the first Green Church Training for local churches, on Sunday…
Expanding Connection Book Club to read “Becoming Kin” for the next book discussion. The invented…
Due to the response to the first-time visits with author, Tim Sorens, the West Ohio's Connectional…
Are you planning a mission journey in 2025 or beyond? Join West Ohio for Volunteers in Mission (VIM…
"We affirm the dignity, worth and rights of migrants, immigrants and refugees, including displaced…